Bula again form the Desk of The Prez!!
The sky is the limit people....I know we are all proud of JT for his achievement and if he can do it why can't we?.
We can not all be General Managers or Directors etc., but the point is.....we give it our best shot by setting standards not for the sake of being noticed by outsiders but rather for ourselves. We know our capabilities and what other people say or think should really not concern us so much beacause at the end of the day, we will be judged by our individual achievements.
Got this piece from the Vine @ http://www.thevine.co.nz ....it indeed is a great piece and a fitting one at that too considering the great news we've just received!
Set Higher Standards For Yourself!
The Lord tested Joseph's character.
Psalm 105:19 NLT
The life of Joseph teaches us that the road to success isn't easy. It involves having a dream nobody else believes in, and holding onto it through the hardest of times. It involves handling resentment from those closest to you and keeping a good attitude. It involves maintaining your integrity when faced each day with temptation. It involves being so honest that the prison warden would trust you with the keys. It involves being gracious when you have the power to retaliate. It involves saying the right things to yourself when those around you are saying the opposite. It involves staying so prepared that even though your dreams are delayed, when God opens the door you're ready to walk through it. That's what the Bible means when it says, "Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph's character" (Psalm 105:19 NLT)
Take a moment and read these profound words by Dianne Snedaker: "If you are interested in success, it's easy to set standards in terms of other people's accomplishments and then let other people measure you by those standards. But the standards you set for yourself are always more important. They should be higher than the standards anyone else would set for you, because in the end you have to live with yourself, and judge yourself, and feel good about yourself. And the best way to do that is to live up to your highest potential. So set your standards high and keep them high, even if you think no one else is looking. Somebody out there will always notice, even if it's just you."
The challenge is now on us, the ball is now in our courts so to speak and with the requested guidance of our Lord, nothing will be impossible!
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