It's been a while and some of you may have thought we were down which maybe true as it's been awhile since we've updated our Blog Site, but we are definitely not out.
Somethings have been happening behind the scene so to speak and I take this opportunity to thank all of you guys who were involved in the TCO's Flood Appeal project especially JD, AEG & JT.
This indeed is a milestone as far as TCO's is concerned and people, especially those who live around us are now taking notice of our existence. All our grog session's and get together are now bearing fruition and it sure feels great.
Assisting our fellow citizens in their hour of need is one of the greatest deed any individual or organization can undertake and for us to have been able to do something like this is in my view ,a 'deserve a pat in the back' job well done.
Mind you guys, it's not over yet as there are countless others who are still in need of some sort of assistance and it can be a very challenging task indeed. I am confident that with our concerted efforts, TCO's can and will somehow make a difference to some of these unfortunate people's lives.
We may not receive monetary benefits from our efforts but the feeling that we get watching the joy that's derived from the assistance we give is more than any sort of payment we could get and I quote JT "The joy in the eyes of the people we helped was great"
And lest we forget, I take this opportunity to say a big VINAKA VAKALEVU to all our overseas friends who are the most important players here for their contributions without which we would not have been able to achieved our goal.
I would also appreciate it if AEG & JT would convey to them our most sincere and deep appreciation for their assistance.
Here are some photo's form the mattress handover at Waimalika on Wednesday, 18th February 2009.
Vinaka va'levu guys and keep up the good work!
Vinaka Kai and Naita
Below are some photo's taken on the 21st February 2009 at Nasoso while packing the left over stuff from Waimalika. The packed stuff are still at home awaiting Master Emosi's arrival from Suva and delivery to his school will be decided after he gets in.