Bula TCO's .... I'm now posting the minutes our first meeting for the year 2008 that was held at Maika's Residence in Kartaram, Votualevu on the 25th Jan'08.
The minutes were the basis of discussions during our second meeting which was differed from the 08th Feb'08 as we were unable to form a quorum in that meeting.
Our secretary will be sending out the minutes of the 15th Feb'08 meeting by early next week.
Wishing you all a Great Weekend!
Moce Jo!
Minutes of the TCO's Meeting held on Friday, 25th Jan 2008 at Maika Moce’s Residence - Kataram @ 7.45pm
Nat Volavola - Present President
Maciu Bolaitamana - Present Secretary
Joe Dalituicama - Present Treasurer
Emosi Jale
Maika Moce
Joe Tuamoto
Osea Batiweti
Jale Vitoki
Vini Bennett
Meeting commence @ 7.45pm
A special welcome by Mr. President to the members present at the first meeting 2008.
Especially to our new member joining this year Ms. Koba-san. Welcome to the TCO’s.
Meeting lead with a prayer by our present Treasurer, Mr. Joe Dalituicama
Received and conveyed apologies as per listed above.
4.Nomination of 2008 Club Committee
Maika moved to have the nomination in our next meeting when hopefully we should have all members present by then.
Motion seconded by JD.
5.Tressure’s Update
Mr. Treasurer will be able to provide a report by our next meeting.
Club Sub collected as of Friday, 08th Jan, 2008
Koba-san $50.00
Maika $20.00
Nat V $20.00
Eiji-san $50.00
Emosi Jale $5.00
JT $10.00
UT $10.00
Total $165.00
Treasurer – to have a receipt book and issue receipt on every sub paid.
Few points to be clarified in our next meeting;
a) If you loan your sub, the interest goes to your account
b) If you loan more than your sub, than the 20% interest goes to the club pool
6. General Business
Below issues raised for discussion during our next meeting.
a)Possibility if we can make an effort to visit Moape this year - MB
b)Suggested by Mr. President, if we can have one of our family day this year to visit either Old Peoples Home or School of Handicap instead of a family picnic. Seconded by JD.
c)Mr. Prez also raised few old rules to be instilled within members. The following were raised to be discussed in our next meeting.
- No Show without apology – fine $5.00
- Late Arrival without prior notification – fine $5.00
In line with penalties raised above, Emosi stated a good point.
Funds collected from penalties, to be accounted for separately which can go towards our club member visitation or any other donation that may be required.
d)An important point raised by JD, is to map out a ‘Club Activity Calendar of Events’ for the year.
e)In the Calendar of Events to include Family Retreat, Seafood or Lovo fundraising.
f)Year Planner to be drafted and presented during our next meeting.
g)Next meeting to confirm members of club, current and new members
h)Need household removal gang to assist Maika move to his dream house as stated by Master. Emosi Jale.
i)Visitation to new Talatala at Namaka
j)A word of encouragement by our present Chairman and concluded by a prayer from our present Treasurer.
7.Next meeting: Venue – 29th Feb’08 Venue: Eiji-san's Residence.
Time @ 0700rs
Vinaka & wishing you guys and your families a Great Weekend!
Our club, The Chosen One's Social Club membership comprises of a group of friends and we are professionals in our own rights. Most of us are involved in the Tourism Industry and work closely with each other. The membership includes Husbands & Wives and we try to, as much as possible to involve our children and family members in our Club Activities.