Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Facing The New Year With Courage!

Be strong and courageous.
Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

Dr. John Maxwell writes: "When I began my career I was very ineffective as a leader. My problem was that I wanted to please everybody. Making people happy was the most important thing to me. The bottom line was, I lacked the courage to make right but unpopular decisions. How did I turn things around? By making small decisions that were difficult. With each one I gained more confidence and more courage, and I began to change. The process took me four years. At the end of that time I felt I had learned many valuable lessons, and I wrote the following to help me cement what I had learned:

"Courageous leadership simply means I've developed: (1) Convictions that are stronger than my fears. (2) Vision that is clearer than my doubts. (3) Spiritual sensitivity that is louder than popular opinion. (4) Self-esteem that is deeper than self-protection. (5) Appreciation for discipline that is greater than my desire for leisure. (6) Dissatisfaction that is more forceful than the status quo. (7) Poise that is more unshakeable than panic. (8) Risk-taking that is stronger than safety-keeping. (9) Actions that are more robust than rationalisation. (10) A desire to see potential reached more than to see people pleased."

If people-pleasing is your problem, you might want to go back and re-read those ten things. You don't have to be great to become a person of courage. You just have to want to fulfill God's plan and purpose for your life - and be willing to trade what seems good in the moment for what's best for your future! And that's something you can do this year, regardless of your level of natural talent.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008



Bula TCO’s!

I’m writing this note at 16:24hours on the first working day of the year 2008 and I’m really amazed at the rate the day has passed.
I’m sure most of us will have made some sort of plans or set up goals and achievements for this year.
I think that is a very good and honorable idea as we have to have some sort of guideline set out in order for us to achieve our goals.
I, for one am planning to be more family focussed this year and get to know my families and spend more time with them especially my children. We all know how time flies as one day they are still with us and before we realise it they are out there in the world and how they perform on their own really depends on how we bring them up.
This of course does not mean that I will not want to be with you my friends from time to time but it’s just that I may not be spending more time with you.
On the subject of spending time together as friends, I think it’s now time that we start thinking of when to have our first meeting and I’ll leave to our Secretary to call one whenever he thinks it’s appropriate to have it.
I know that we have on more than 100 times during these last 3 or 4 years been talking about something together and I feel that we should never abandon the thought.
Lastly on these, my first posting this year, I would like to wish you and your families a Happy & Prosperous New Year.