Bula vinaka TCO's!
Yet another week has come & gone (sorry no posting last week as was a bit busy)and we are getting closer day by day to the end of another year. It's amazing how fast the days seem to be passing by and it only seemed like yesterday that we were celebrating the end of last year. Well peoples, one thing is for certain....we are not getting any younger as each passing day brings us closer to our next birthday!
There's no particular announcement to make but it looks like we are all or have all been busy hence our not being able to convene a TCO's Meeting. I will not be available to attend to any meeting this month as I have family commitments until after the end of the month. This shouldn't be any excuse not to hold one and I'm calling on the Secretary and Treasurer to please try and convene one before the end of this month, October 2007.
It's important that we keep in touch and more so to try and clear our finances within next month, November 2007.
It's also time for us to start thinking/preparing for our end of the year 'do' and I'm suggesting something similar if not the same thing we did at the 'JT's' for the birthdays in September.
I'll leave it to you guys to talk about it if and when there is a meeting before the end of this month.
Last but not least, I'm inviting you all to my brothers 'vakataraisulu' on the 27th Oct'07 which will be held at the Soqosoqo Vakamarama Hall in Nabua, Suva starting at 0900hrs.It'll be great to see you guys there and guy's....you know what?.....this'll be your best chance to 'buturaki' me as I won't have any say at all in how strong the grog should be....da dui muria noda i yatu!!!.
Sa donu and may you all have a blessed week!